Enemy gains +1-4 Stacks of Soulblaze on Critical Hit.
+12.5-20% Critical Chance for 6s on successful Dodge.
+6-12% Critical Chance for each Enemy Hit by your previous attack. Stacks 5 times.
Increased Cleave on Critical Hit and gain +10-25% Ranged Attack Stagger.
This build focuses on proccing soulblaze via elite kills (Perilous Combustion) and melee crit attacks (Blazing Spirit) then spreading them around with Wildfire (yes this is a meme and wildfire is objectivel bad). Venting Shriek also adds soulblaze, CC, and a panic button for quick heals or to setup quick brain burst spam via Kinetic Resonance and Empowered Psionics.
Gameplay focuses on using Brain Burst to thin out high priority elites and specials which procs soulblaze and then getting aggressive with melee to continue spreading soulblaze.
The primary weapon of this build is the Force Greatsword, selected for its versatility against both hordes and heavy armored units.
This is a very versatile build that can handle any situation just be careful not to get caught out of cover by gunners or reapers.
The Accatran Combat Shotgun rounds out the build as a fun, versatile ranged tool that matches the fiery theme of the build.