Scrier's Gaze
Psyker Ability - Darktide
Scrier's Gaze
Psyker Ability - Darktide
Scrier's Gaze
Triggers Scrier's Gaze. When entering Scrier's Gaze you gain +10% Damage, +20% Critical Chance, and Suppression Immunity. For every second in Scrier's Gaze you gain +1% Damage up to a maximum of +30%. This effect lingers for 10s after leaving Scrier's Gaze.
While in Scrier's Gaze you build up Peril. Build up is temporarily slowed down by enemy Kills. At 100% Peril, Scrier's Gaze ends.
Base Cooldown: 25s
While in Scrier's Gaze you build up Peril. Build up is temporarily slowed down by enemy Kills. At 100% Peril, Scrier's Gaze ends.
Base Cooldown: 25s