Lasts up to 5 minutes or until 500 health points were healed
Ammo Crate
Restores all ammunition upon interaction
Plasteel and Diamantine can be used to modify your gear.
Plasteel Small
Adds 10 plasteel to the mission reward
Plasteel Big
Adds 25 plasteel to the mission reward
Diamantine Small
Adds 10 diamantine to the mission reward
Diamantine Big
Adds 25 diamantine to the mission reward
Ammunition and Grenades
Restores ammo or grendaes
Ammo Small
Restores 15% of your ammo reserves
Ammo Big
Restores 50% of your ammo reserves
Fills up all of your grenade supply
Stimms are designed to give a temporary boost that empowers the player for a short while. Stimms are spawned in a mission at random, similar to how ammo and medical crates are spawned.
Med Stimm
Restores one health segment, or 25% of max health, whichever one is larger, of health and corruption damage
Med stimms can’t be used on a target, on one self or other players, if the target has no health or corruption damage to restore
Combat Stimm
Lasts 15 seconds
Increase in Power 25% (Damage + Stagger Strength)
Rending 25% (Armour Penetration)
Reduction of Peril Generation -33% (Generate less Peril when using Psyker’s Warp Abilities)
Celerity Stimm
Lasts 15 seconds
Increase in Reload Speed 15%
Reduction in Stamina Costs -25% for Pushing, Blocking, -50% for sprinting
Increases Attack Speed by 20%
Increase the following by 25%
Charge up time of Plasma guns, Psyker’s Brain Burst and Psyker Staves
The speed of which the Psyker’s Smite propagates between enemies
Speed of which the Psyker can throw Shards using Assail
Speed of which the Psyker Quells their Peril
Concentration Stimm
Lasts 15 seconds
Increases your Combat Ability Cooldown Regeneration speed by +300% (Four times as fast as usual)
Welcome to the Pickup Items List for Darktide. Here you can find all the available ingame Pickup items.