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 Bombs Away! Talent 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 Bombs Away! Talent 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

Bombs Away!
Throw a box of grenades with great strength and enthusiasm to deal high Damage to a Single Enemy.

Hitting an Enemy causes the box to break open, releasing 6 grenades around the target.

This is an augmented version of Big Box of Hurt.

Mortis Trial Buffs

Buff Effect
Enfeebling Blast
Grenade explosions weaken enemies that are hit, making them 100% more vulnerable to shock, bleed and fire for 10s.
Geminating Grenades
50% chance for a duplicate grenade to explode when one of your grenades explodes.
Lucky Me
90% chance to throw 2 grenades at once.
10% chance of replenishing 3 grenades when killing an enemy with a grenade explosion.
Look What I Found
Replenish 1 Grenade every 20 seconds.
Shattering Explosion
Grenade explosion applies 75% brittleness to targets hit.
Biggest Box Of Hurt
Big Box of Hurt drops 2 frags, 1 krak, 1 smoke, 1 fire and 1 shock.
Explosive Pick-Me-Up
Grenade explosion also heals 30% health to you or your allies within the blast radius.