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 Frag Bomb Talent 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 Frag Bomb Talent 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

Frag Bomb
Throw an Ogryn-sized (the only proper kind!) frag grenade with a 16m blast radius, dealing increased Damage at the centre.

Mortis Trial Buffs

Buff Effect
Enfeebling Blast
Grenade explosions weaken enemies that are hit, making them 100% more vulnerable to shock, bleed and fire for 10s.
Geminating Grenades
50% chance for a duplicate grenade to explode when one of your grenades explodes.
Void-Touched Grenades
When your grenade explodes, it also creates a warp shield around the area of the explosion.
Lucky Me
90% chance to throw 2 grenades at once.
Haywire Upgrade
All grenades apply AOE shock on hit.
10% chance of replenishing 3 grenades when killing an enemy with a grenade explosion.
Ogryn Grenade gains 100% damage and doubles the blast radius.
Look What I Found
Replenish 1 Grenade every 20 seconds.
Shattering Explosion
Grenade explosion applies 75% brittleness to targets hit.
Explosive Pick-Me-Up
Grenade explosion also heals 30% health to you or your allies within the blast radius.