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 Immolation Grenade Talent 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 Immolation Grenade Talent 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

Immolation Grenade
Throw a grenade that leaves a layer of flaming liquid, Burning and Staggering enemies, and barring their path. Most effective against Unarmoured Enemies.

Mortis Trial Buffs

Buff Effect
Enfeebling Blast
Grenade explosions weaken enemies that are hit, making them 100% more vulnerable to shock, bleed and fire for 10s.
Thrive in Fire
Recover 100% toughness every 3 seconds, while standing in the fire of a flame grenade.
Geminating Grenades
50% chance for a duplicate grenade to explode when one of your grenades explodes.
Void-Touched Grenades
When your grenade explodes, it also creates a warp shield around the area of the explosion.
Lucky Me
90% chance to throw 2 grenades at once.
Haywire Upgrade
All grenades apply AOE shock on hit.
Look What I Found
Replenish 1 Grenade every 20 seconds.
Shattering Explosion
Grenade explosion applies 75% brittleness to targets hit.
Explosive Pick-Me-Up
Grenade explosion also heals 30% health to you or your allies within the blast radius.