+1-2 Extra Chained Energised Hits and +2.5-10% Impact on Energised Hits.
Increased Cleave and +5-20% Heavy Melee Attack Damage on Energised Attacks.
Suppress Enemies within 5-8 Radius on Close Range Kill.
Immune to Ranged Attacks for 0.7-1s on Close Range Kill.
Welcome to the battle tested Damnation ready Veteran Sharpshooter Build for Darktide.
CAMO EXPERT TALENT: This perk is amazing, all pressure will go onto your team members, they will appreciate that but at least you are safe. If hordes run towards you, just stand still and use your POWER SWORD. 95% of enemies will run past you and attack you team mates, even elites won't bother attacking you.
SUSTAINED FIRE TALENT: This is not a must have but works amazing with Combat Shotgun. First off when you activate your Ultimate it restores 60% of your Toughness and instantly reloads your weapon. That means on Combat Shotgun you have 20 shells to go through until you really need to reload.
To recap, to make this Damnation ready Sharpshooter build work you must have: