Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your damage by 24-36% for 3 seconds.
+2.5-4% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Gain +7-10% Close Damage for 3.5 seconds after killing an enemy at close range, stacking 5 times.
Up to +14-20% Damage on Hit (Staggered Enemy), scaling with Stagger.
Goes (nearly) all-in on the Commando side of the Veteran tree to give you the closest experience to being a son/daughter of Catachan. Abuse Infiltrate, smokes, and weapon hip-fire to close in on opponents before decapitating them en-masse with a single swing of your bulging biceps. Keep nasty ogryns and monsters distracted from your greenhorn teammates with buckshot and unmatched speed. Tear down hordes like a Zealot. Duel bosses with ease. Make your team jealous with your ammo efficiency and stealth revives on-demand. Send Ragers crying home to mama. KILL EVERYTHING. Die to silly, easily-preventable situations because you got too cocky and dodged into a wall while a Crusher was watching.
My weapon recommendations:
-Lawbringer Shotgun: Its no-fuss, middle-of-the-road stats make it my go-to for just about any situation. Hip-fire is great for keeping enemies staggered as you approach or for finishing fleeing opponents. Use the sights when you need to trade fire with shooters at a distance, knock a specialist down, or have an opportunity to plant some weakpoint hits. With careful timing you can interrupt groups of Crushers repeatedly until your magazine runs out. The spreadshot is nothing special unless you combine it with stacks of Weapon Specialist: while boosted from the talent it takes sizable chunks out of hordes, guaranteeing you boosted melee with just a single shot. Mastering alternating between boosted spread shots and melee will ensure you make the most out of your keystone when things get chaotic.
-Kantrael Shotgun: Bigger, louder, and with a fire-shot useful for softening up dudes, the Kantrael is considered the best of the shotguns by many, but mind that limited ammo. The Kantrael is capable of bowling-over ogryns, but expect to spend most of your clip up-close to knock them down.
-Stub Revolvers: A fantastic choice for Weapon Specialist, especially when you pair it with heavier melee weapons. Consider slapping on the Run-n-Gun blessing for Skirmisher shenanigans; the hipfire is more accurate than the reticle would appear. I prefer the Zarona over the Agripinaa, as the former performs much better at longer range (also the braced-fire doesn't benefit from Run-n-Gun - sorry cowboys).
-Shredder Autopistols Good mobility combined with a high-rate of fire earn it a spot on this list, IF you adjust your talents to take Onslaught for that extra brittleness, otherwise you'll be spending an entire magazine killing anything larger than a Gunner. Even with that, understand that you'll be at a disadvantage when trying to plink away at ranged enemies, and ogryns will barely even flinch while you unload into them.
-Laspistols: Better at long range than the Shredder, and much more ammo efficient. You're trading off with stagger potential, however, which puts it on the low end of viable weapons for me. If they ever get Run-n-Gun back you'd have something interesting.
-Braced Autoguns: Like with the Autopistol, grabbing Onslaught from the talent tree is a must. I like all the variants, though the Graia seems the most finicky to land hits with un-braced. The relatively-slow reloads, combined with the need for bracing to get the most out of the weapon makes them less than ideal for this build (but still plenty viable).
-Devil's Claw Swords: Your bread-n-butter. Fantastic all-rounder stats married with a deadly (and stylish!) parry move make the Devil Claws a perfect choice for this build. Any variant will do, but the Mk IV's overhead heavy attack is absolutely-nasty for closing in on enemies - just hold the attack button as you sprint in and aim for something squishy. With wide coverage and respectable stagger on light or heavy attacks, you can hold a doorway against most threats without having to reposition; getting cornered doesn't change your tactics much. As for Ragers and other hard targets? Just keep hacking away while making use of that generous dodge profile, or time a devastating parry (just watch out for the rest of the crowd). Bosses are your specialty: once you understand their attack patterns, just parry them into the ground. Rampage is pretty much mandatory, but otherwise feel free to experiment with other perks and blessings.
-Mk III Combat Blade: Right up there with the Devil Claws. Unparalleled mobility and a ridiculous attack speed at the cost of your defensive profile and horde-handling, but your build can easily mitigate those drawbacks. The special jab helps to make short work of lone targets as well. First things first: Get Mercy Killer. Now everything you swing at will take grievous amounts of weakspot damage after you make them bleed with your first swing. From there on, it's all about knowing how to dodge attacks, when to use lights/heavies, and when you need to disengage (it's before you lose all your toughness). Once you and your team are comfortable, get a feel for flanking enemies and tying-up groups of shooters by sprinting into their midst before they can dig into cover. Smokes help a lot with this part.
-Mk VI Combat Blade: This might be my new favorite. So what if the heavy attack chain shoves the single-target overhead at the very end, making for a wonky attack pattern? So what if your attacks are dished out a touch slower, hurting your overall DPS compared to the Mk III? I've got one word for you: Haymaker. Those wide heavies, combined with the lightning-fast knife attack speeds, means that as long as there's something alive in front of you you are going to be constantly handing out 20% (at tier IV) instant kill heavy attacks at all times. And you still have room for Mercy Killer. I've seen entire rooms full of Maulers keel over because I brushed them with this knife a couple times; the slight decrease in your single-target damage potential doesn't matter when you scythe down everything else like wheat.
-Tactical Axes: They don't excel in damage, mobility, or defensive stats compared to the above weapons, but they have one thing going for them that the others don't: Extremely-reliable stagger in the form of a spammable special attack. Seriously, try it on a Mutant - they can't do jack squat while you're smacking them around, it's ridiculous.
A +Stamina curio is a must for all the running/shoving/parrying/Skirmisher-stacking you'll do - otherwise the Veteran's slower stamina regen will bite you in the ass. Round it out with an extra wound and some extra toughness for insurance against the inevitable misplay. For extra stats I recommend +Ability Regen followed by anything that helps out your toughness and stamina.
Bandanas are mandatory.