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(Karnak HM updated) Auric Maelstrom Pubbing - Lazy man's 1-build-wonder

(Karnak HM updated) Auric Maelstrom Pubbing - Lazy man's 1-build-wonder
Build for Darktide



weapon container top
Achlys Mk VI Power Sword
Achlys Mk VI Power Sword
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Maniacs)
+10-25% Damage (Carapace Armoured Enemies)
Brutal Momentum

Brutal Momentum

+7.5-15% Weak Spot Damage. Weakspot Kills also ignore Enemy Hit Mass.

Power Cycler

Power Cycler

+1-2 Extra Chained Energised Hits and +2.5-10% Impact on Energised Hits.

weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Zarona Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver
Zarona Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Maniacs)
Increase Ranged Critical Strike Chance by 2-5%


+30-60% Rending on Critical Hit.



+10% Critical Chance for every 0.3-0.45 second while aiming. Stacks 10 times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.

weapon container bottom


weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+13-17% Toughness

+13-17% Toughness

+2-5% Toughness
+2-5% Health
+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+13-17% Toughness

+13-17% Toughness

+2-5% Toughness
+2-5% Health
+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+13-17% Toughness

+13-17% Toughness

+2-5% Health
+2-5% Toughness
+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
weapon container bottom




[ if you're here for Karnak HM strat, directly scroll to the bottom of this commentary page ]

The idea behind this build is to build a well rounded veteran loadout for general auric pubbing. I like to top DPS charts (Scoreboard mod from NexusMods) and want a single loadout that will always have an answer to most things the game director decide to throw at me. Despite a tall requirement for the build there's still some space for alternative loadout options that will be covered below.

The idea behind building vets is to minimize nodes on the top of the tree as most of the build-defining nodes are backloaded at the bottom. IMO the best talent nodes for general play are:

1. Survivalist (ammo regen aura)
2. Iron Will (50% toughness damage reduction when above 75% toughness)
3. Rending Strikes
4. Focus Target cluster

There is room for flexibility in tweaking the tree to your liking, for general auric damnation pubbing I highly recommend picking up these 4 nodes


Active Ability

VOICE OF COMMAND is the meta standout. Low CD, prevents everyone from dying, you can literally hold down F the entire run and have the ability work as intended. I will be surprised if Fatshark does not nerf this ability in its present state but it's FS we are talking about. *Edit: as expected it was slightly nerfed in patch 15 but yes it is still good.

EXECUTIONER STANCE is best used to situationally reach break points (depending on the rifle you are using). Also good if you are kinda bad at spotting elites and gunners. If you follow my loadout and talent tree, veteran does the most damage to specials to and elites as is, would prefer INFIL or VOC that are defensive in nature.

INFILTRATE gives you the option to clutch objectives, guarantee revives or to reposition for free. If you value objectives over the mortality of your fellow rejects or are hunting for highlight clips of Auric Damnation clutches, this would be the best pick.



KRAK GRENADE - Yes, it's good. The best DPS Blitz option for veteran. Throw it at any ogryn/mauler for maximum value.

SHREDDER GRENADE - Okay for hordes, I like expending 2 - 3 of these at a time for lazy horde clear. Its real purpose is to create space when being overrun and to deal massive boss damage. Start boss fights by dumping 3 of these. Despite lesser damage, its utility is undeniable and it pretty much covers boss damage contribution by itself.



General Tips

Plasma is giga busted, just hipfire it like a boss into mixed hordes and see your name popup repeatedly on the top left of your screen. You may open with charged shots as your opening salvo. Maniac helps with damnation breakpoints, prioritize it over other perks.

If you're running slower ranged options (revovlver and plasma comes to mind) spec out of onslaught, else take it if you're running a fast-action secondary.

Rending Strikes is still good despite a 33% nerf. The reason why it is amazing is because 10% of additive rending scaling will scale damage multiplicatively. i.e. if your rifle would only do 10% of its original damage to carapace, Rending Strikes bumps it by an additional 10%. Effectively doubling your damage to carapace. Works the same for flak, maniac, etc.

10% Melee attack speed is so, so good as a defensive and offensive talent. The faster you deal with melee the more ranged uptime you have. 10% is more noticeable than it numerically seem, once you try this it will be difficult to spec out of it (I've been spoilt). It covers an attack speed breakpoint for many medium to slower swinging weapons that may otherwise 'leak' a stray poxer or groaner into slapping your face during hordes. A good example is chainsword and combat axes.

If you're not speccing into 10% Melee AS, I would personally recommend using Power Sword, Rashad/Antax, Devil's Claw or Shovel for general horde clear and melee. But you do you.

Curios are largely up to your preference, I used to run 1 wound/2toughness on vet and psyker. 1 wound for insurance, 2 toughness because vet and psyker have reasonable toughness regen. These days I mostly run triple toughness or 2x Toughness / 1x Health. Stamina enjoyers swear by 3stam curios, so build as you will.


Loadout Alternatives


Antax/Rashad Combat axes - w/ brutal momentum, headtaker

Dagger - w/ Crit on bleed blessing & any Rending

Powerswords - w/ t4 Power Cycler & Brutal Momentum / Slaughterer / Rampage 
*Brutal Momentum + Precisions Strikes + Carapace Damage (?) helps you to reach breakpoints to 2shot crushers on headshot with push-attack chain combo. This is only applicable to the MK6.

Shovel - Decimator/Skull Crusher (very underrated melee option, is one of the better options when going without the 15% attack speed talent)

Catachan Devil Claw - Rampage/Savage sweep (good general purpose weapon, even without 15% attack speed talent)


Plasma - gets hot / blaze away

Laspistol - w/ dumdum / infernus (good mobility, decent boss dps)

MG1a - w/ headhunter / deadly accurate (this weapon shines in every scenario but boss dps)

Vraks3/7 - w/ headhunter / deadly accurate

Bolter - w/ Shattering Impact / Blaze Away / Surgical

Hellbore series - w/ onslaught / surgical (hyper ammo efficiency on the mk2, good for all scenarios if you're proficient)

Revolver - w/ hand cannon / crucian roulette / surgical (any 2 is good, hand cannon is busted, take it over the other 2 blessings)

Fanning Revolver - Hand Cannon / Crucian

Braced AG - fire frenzy / deathspitter

Columnus Infantry AG - dumdum / deathspitter (insane IAG, another top tier ranged option, other IAGs are viable if you want to experiment)


Changelog and musings

8/12 - Updated skill tree, the new revolver mark is fun but still not as busted as OG revolver and plasma cannon. I like where Veteran is at now with the current skill tree refinement. Heavy laspistol feels bad to use right now, wouldn't personally recommend if you're low on gold/plasteel and are looking to prioritize meta crafts. 

The nerf to handcannon on revolver is compensated by the fact that you can pick up more damage nodes and 10% rending anyways. Overall I am dealing more damage this patch than the previous. 

The multiple buffs to shovel is setting it up to be one of the best options for melee, with the new marks featuring its special pickaxe strikedown moveset that can deals well with high HP targets. However, it's a little clunky as you get 'stuck' in a long animation with the special moveset, most of the time I find myself locked in animation that is a little too risky for my liking. Overall, shovels are a good melee option. It's versatile but you'll find yourself pulling out your secondary to deal with high value targets rather than activating your Shovel's special.

1/12 (17/12 edit) - If you're specialising into automatic/fast semi-auto weapons you can consider going Marksman Focus. As a caveat, most automatic weapons of choice are bad against carapace and inefficient to mag-dump into bosses. To compensate you can run 50% rending/brittleness to shred carapace and spec into Shredder nades as an answer for bosses.

MM Focus build: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9a5e9677-2289-46c1-be73-5c721a495c7d/50-rend-mm-focus?utm_medium=website&utm_source=gameslantern&utm_campaign=share_button

*shoutout to jayx20 for the direct request


Karnak HM strat

15/12 - Karnak Twins Hardmode tips: Corruption resistance and health stacking will help if you get hit by poison, if you need your stam curio, go for it. If you are not rocking maxxed corruption resistance, it is also fine. You won't need survivalist for this fight unless you want to do pepega horde gunning.

Strat: 1x Ogryn, 1x Vet, 2x Flex

Vet runs Field Improvisation - drop ammo box for Ogryn only. Ogryn has 5x Ogrynheimers for the fight. Use Ogrynheimers as an i-win button when there's any unfavourable spawn timings during the fight. Smite Psyker is unoptimal for this fight, everyone should be contributing to elite sniping and boss dps.

Build: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9abcfea0-4376-417b-8847-83c16538db54/vet-build-karnak-twins-hard-mode

Questions, feel free to drop me a DM on discord: [jujubes69]

9 months ago