+1-2 Extra Chained Energised Hits and +2.5-10% Impact on Energised Hits.
+7.5-15% Weak Spot Damage. Weakspot Kills also ignore Enemy Hit Mass.
+10% Critical Chance for every 0.3-0.45 second while aiming. Stacks 10 times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.
Chaining Charged Attacks reduces their Charge Time by -12--6%. Stacks 5 times.
This Build is focused on clearing specialists, elites, and monstrosities for your team.
After running multiple Damnation clears with special conditions, I believe this is well suited for players that enjoy utilizing their abilities and keeping their passives up.
Only trouble I ever have is when my teammates get in the way of my shots, but normally looking ahead and giving feedback with Executioner's stance is a huge advantage because you basically have wall-hacks. The ability reset along with the perks on your Helbore reinforce your time it takes to keep shots on target, and you will basically never need to pick up ammo thanks to Shock Trooper.
You aren't a strong melee fighter by any means, but you can still clear out enemies within the horde, as well as the occasional specialist that pushes past your teams defenses.
Whenever a monstrosity enters the encounter, aim for weak spots and keep your range. The boss bar will quickly fall if you kill a few specialists after activating your ability. Remember this thrives on you being a specialist killing machine. I have also got most of the harder penances with this build. Never be afraid to activate your ability as it only helps you locate more to attack and the more you kill, the quicker your ability cooldown becomes more available.
Good Luck and Have Fun Reject!