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Warp Surfer

Warp Surfer
Build for Darktide



weapon container top
Illisi Mk V Blaze Force Sword
Illisi Mk V Blaze Force Sword
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
+10-25% Damage (Unarmoured Enemies)


+5-8% Power for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.

Uncanny Strike

Uncanny Strike

+12-24% Rending on Enemy Weak Spot Hit for 3.5s. Stacks 5 times.

weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Columnus Mk V Infantry Autogun
Columnus Mk V Infantry Autogun
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
+10-25% Damage (Maniacs)


+4.5-6% Close Range damage on Repeated Hit. Stacks 5 times.

Fire Frenzy

Fire Frenzy

Gain +7-10% Close Damage for 3.5 seconds after killing an enemy at close range, stacking 5 times.

weapon container bottom


weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+17-21% Max Health

+17-21% Max Health

+2-5% Toughness
+5-20% Damage Resistance (Gunners)
+7.5-30% Toughness Regeneration Speed
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+13-17% Toughness

+13-17% Toughness

+2-5% Toughness
+5-20% Damage Resistance (Bombers)
+7.5-30% Toughness Regeneration Speed
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+13-17% Toughness

+13-17% Toughness

+2-5% Toughness
+1-4% Combat Ability Regeneration
+7.5-30% Toughness Regeneration Speed
weapon container bottom



This build is probably as close to playing a Zealot on Psyker as you can get. You should have something to deal with every situation outside of a pack of crushers and even then, you can assist your team from a distance with Brain Rupture.


From a distance you should be using brain burst to take out all gunners. Focus on getting all elite gunners off the field as they will proc Empowered Psionics and cause your BR to charge faster. You should be locking on to the enemy and then immediately dodge/sliding into cover to get to safety. In most situations you will have a few empowered psionic stacks that you can use to take out some other priority specialists or possibly shooters from a distance. BR can also be used to save ammo and stay out of danger, however once melee elites, specialists, and/or disablers begin to approach you and your team, you should switch to your gun for quicker kills.


At the midrange, you can begin using the primary playstyle to kill anything. Columnus Mk V Infantry Autogun (MKV) should be used to kill any specialists that come near. Because of the high rate of fire you are likely to proc Kinetic Flayer which should kill most specialists outright and comes very close to ending Mutants as well. If you pay attention to your buffs, you can begin to predict when you will proc kinetic flayer, but for most games you should just react to the kinetic flayer proc as it happens. The MKV can shred a lot of enemies from close to midrange anyways so kinetic flayer procing is not required. Any enemies that you struggle to kill quickly, you can boost with Scrier's Gaze (SG).


Scrier's Gaze (SG) is useful in so many situations. If you need to take out a group of specialists quickly MKV+SG. If you need to move closer to a group of shooters and gunners MKV+SG. If a mixed horde isn't dying fast enough Force Sword+SG. If you need to survive for a few extra seconds, SG. The way that we have it built here, means that you will be in SG for 15 seconds of build up and 10 seconds of buff minimum. Kills can extend this timer, but I only really notice the difference in large horde scenarios. Reality Anchor is extending our timer, but can alternatively be used to spam Illisi Special Attacks while attacking with teammates.


During SG, you will gain toughness (Due to Warp Expenditure), and have increased toughness damage resistance that improves over time (Due to One with the Warp). Due to your boosted critical hit rate, you should expect critical hits to happen frequently and proc Empathetic Evasion consistently which will allow you to approach shooters much more aggressively. Lastly, SG's Damage boost is further boosted as peril increases due to Warp Rider. When you see the purple lines on the side of your screen, you will feel powerful.


I use the Illisi Force Sword as my primary horde clear weapon. I believe that the devil's claw IV may be better for defensive purposes, but with SG up the difference is largely negligible. Heavy 1 -> Light 2 is a great starter to gain a lot of stacks of slaughterer and uncanny strike quickly. After all the stacks are there feel free to switch to light attack spam.


I take the extra peril resistance as it adds another second to SG, but it's definitely not required. Some may find better use for toughness damage reduction.


Curios can be basically whatever you want, I just threw what I would use on here.


Psyker is lucky to be able to use the MKV and continue to have access to long range abilities after the fact. There are multiple ways to play with the gun, but this is probably my favorite way.

5 months ago