+2.5-4% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Continuously chaining more than 2 attacks gives +2-5% Power. Stacks 10 times.
+14-20% Strength for 5s when every pellet in a shot hits the same enemy.
+3-6 Bleed Stacks on Critical Hit.
For this build your supposed to be kind of a support pinging out priority elites for you or your team to kill, the melee weapon is free to be switched out i simply chose mine because i prefer it with this build. Whenever a boss or a pesky ogryn/elite comes around remember to ping it for the bonus damage. This build was simply made because i thought it would be fun to be a sort of bounty dealer for your team so i hope you enjoy it as much as i have.