+11-14 Bleed Stacks from Special Attacks.
+2.5-4% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.
+6-12% Critical Chance for each Enemy Hit by your previous attack. Stacks 5 times.
Gain +7-10% Close Damage for 3.5 seconds after killing an enemy at close range, stacking 5 times.
The main purpose of my building this was to find a build I would enjoy while doing the "Kill X with melee" Melk missions. It's easy to find a ranged build to play, we all have our favorites and many are posted here but I couldn't find one I liked that fit into how I wanted to play melee in auric missions. What I settled on will allow you to play as true frontline to create space and opportunities for your squadmates that otherwise would struggle. Your melee power will help to stay on top of hordes and if you or your squad is on the verge of being overwhelm hitting "F" will immediately turn things around. You'l have a grenade ready most of the time you need one and ammo to blast down hallways to soften things up without having to hoard pickups. You'll stabilize frantic situations and keep your squad alive and moving towards the goal.For melee options I prefer the chainsword if only for quickly dispatching muties, but anything that benefits from high crit rate and attack speed is going to do well. I've had success with the combat blade, tac and combat axes, power and devil's claw swords. The one weapon I didn't like that I usually do was the shovel. Your mileage may vary though based on your personal preferance and familiarity with the moveset of any particular weapon.Ranged options I would restrict to anything that is going to do well as something to switch to quickly to deal with issues while otherwise still engaged in melee. Anything with a faster switch animation and strong upfront damage should do well. Obviously I'm using a shotgun here but the revolver, shredder pistol, and laspistol work just as well and I'm sure other options would be the same. Your ranged weapon just doesn't matter as much in this build as long as you can carry your weight with specials.Regarding the build, "Survivalist" is too strong not to include even if this build isn't going to use it as much as a ranged Vet build might. It provides SOOO much free firepower to your team over the course of a match on Auric you'd be silly to exclude it. In terms of modification, you can drop "Duty and Honor" from your active allowing the switch to "Focus Target!" and "Target Down!" but I find the bonus toughness from "D and H" has a nice synergy with "Iron Will" and is overall more impactful for the group. Weapons specialist isn't partically strong but the attack speed alone will allow you to drumpster both hordes and patrols.