+52.5-60% Weak Spot Damage (Enemies with Bleed Stacks).
+5-8 Bleed Stacks on Critical Hit.
Up to +14-20% Damage on Hit (Staggered Enemy), scaling with Stagger.
+10% Critical Chance for every 0.3-0.45 second while aiming. Stacks 10 times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.
Caveats:Don't neglect the bayonet, it's credibly powerful in this build, the Mk1 has decent animations for it, and it'll help you immensely in finishing Mutants and bullying Ragers and Maulers. It does reasonably well against Crushers, but those are best handled with your knife or grenades. If you pick Precision Strikes as an alternative do note that these also work on melee weapons, your bayonet included.Alternatives for Catachan CB: Specialist (Perk) + Elite perks (Perk) + Mercy Killer (Bless) + Flesh Tearer (Bless) + Agile Engagement (Talent) for breakpoint and anti Horde flex while still retaining anti Mauler/Crusher/Rager PotentialCarapace (Perk) + Maniac/Elite (Perk) + Ruthless Backstab (Bless) + Mercy Killer (Bless) + Serrated Blade (Talent) to specialize on anti Crusher/Rager/Mauler Rashad CAxe works well as an alternative to the Catachan CB if you're interested in running a safer option when it comes to fighting crushers, but unless you master special + heavy combos for it you'll be vulnerable to ragers.Non-PS Swords, these are very effective if you know how to parry, but this build has no leeway for grenade regen so you will open yourself up to being vulnerable to Crushers.
Alternatives for Helbore Mk1: Surgical (Bless) + Onslaught (Bless) + Deadshot (Talent) + Precision Strikes (Talent) if you want to focus on Shooting and defensive/support play. Do not you will have to give up the Krak Grenades and maybe one of the defensive picks for this set up. Do not give up Invigorated if you go for Deadshot, otherwise you will need to give up something else to take Duck and Dive.
20% Sprint Efficiency + Vanguard + Out For Blood + Smoke if you want to focus on aggressive play, and bayonet charging heretics. Make sure your Helbore and Knife have decent Mobility, 65+.