Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your damage by 24-36% for 3 seconds.
Critical Hits ignore Hit Mass bonus from Armour. +{crit_damage} Melee Critical Hit Damage.
Suppress Enemies within 5-8 Radius on Close Range Kill.
+6-12% Critical Chance for each Enemy Hit by your previous attack. Stacks 5 times.
The Martyr of the Emperor shall not fall when wounded
shall not falter when struck
shall not die when shattered
the more they damage you the greater your faith becomes,
deliver vengance with your flaming shotgun to the enemis afar
purge the hordes of heretics with your blessed chainsword
be swift be quick, let them be purified with righterousness
let them be clensed in the blood of the unfaithfull.