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Disruptor Voidstrike Psyker (DPS)

Disruptor Voidstrike Psyker (DPS)
Build for Darktide



weapon container top
Illisi Mk V Blaze Force Sword
Illisi Mk V Blaze Force Sword
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
+10-25% Damage (Maniacs)


+5-8% Power for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.



This weapon Blocks both Melee and Ranged attacks. Additionally, Block Cost is reduced by 22.5-30%.

weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Equinox Mk IV Voidstrike Force Staff
Equinox Mk IV Voidstrike Force Staff
weapon container middle
Increase Ranged Critical Strike Chance by 2-5%
+10-25% Damage (Maniacs)


2 Shots on Critical Hit. +2-5% Ranged Crit Chance.

Warp Nexus

Warp Nexus

Gain between 3.5-5% and 14-20% Critical Chance based on current level of peril.

weapon container bottom


weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+17-21% Max Health

+17-21% Max Health

+2-5% Toughness
+6-15% Corruption Resistance
+5-20% Damage Resistance (Gunners)
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+1-3 Max Stamina

+1-3 Max Stamina

+2-5% Toughness
+6-15% Corruption Resistance
+5-20% Damage Resistance (Snipers)
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+1 Wound(s)

+1 Wound(s)

+2-5% Toughness
+2-5% Health
+6-12% Block Efficiency
weapon container bottom



"Spark Head is out of control!"

"Why yes, good of you to notice."


This build uses Disrupt Destiny to turn the Voidstrike into a truly awe-inspiring weapon that clears rooms of shooters and can occasionally 1-shot Crushers. It's so disgusting that I don't often run it because it's not fun for the rest of the team. That said, it's the perfect build for when you're in an Ogryn/Zealot heavy team. You can also use it for lightweight teams and together ensure that nothing gets close. This build is extremely strong against the waves of pox hounds modifier, and fairly strong against waves of muties and poxbursters.  



Start every fight by looking for disrupt destiny targets, a fully charged shot to the head of one will get you started. As you build up stacks, it becomes easier to kill targets with less charge and you can even just switch to the primary fire, especially for shooters and muties. Depending on your damage stat only a few stacks should be necessary to 1-shot scab shooter heads.  Don't get too tunnel visioned on increasing the number, your target can wait until a priority threat is dealt with. 


Blazing Spirit is a viable option. Grab perilous combustion with it. 


Illisi Force Sword

The best melee horde clear a psyker has access to. You can absolutely use Voidstrike against hordes, but beware of accidentally shooting a poxburster. Illisi is the safe pick that also has access to deflector which can save you from shooters if your shield goes down sooner than you expect. 


Wall Shield

You can absolutely use dome instead, but wall shield brings a lot of utility. You can use it to protect your front while clearing a room of shooters, and have a second charge for if there's so many that they break it. You can place it right in front of the team to prevent a mutie from sneaking through and disrupting your damage output, and of course as you move forward that shield that was in front of your team will now protect you from most specialists from behind. 


Consider placing it on a spawn door if the team is huddled up near one. Silent poxbursters are deadly. 


Brain Burst

Rarely used. But Smite also gets rarely used and Assail prevents you from using Psykinetic's Aura which is one of the most powerful nodes in the tree. Kinetic Flayer actually gets much better use here than in other builds because most of your attacks will kill your target, and KF only triggers on attacks that don't kill so you are less likely to waste it on a random poxwalker. In addition, the hit is a headshot which can help with Disrupt Destiny. 


On rare occasions, you may want to brain burst a disrupt destiny target that's behind cover but usually voidstrike's hit box will be able to reach them over the cover. It is sometimes helpful to reliably take down a target that is running away or very distant. 


8 months ago