+2.5-4% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.
+25-40% Cleave on Hit. Stacks 5 times.
+4.5-6% Critical Chance for each expended round in your weapon (resets on reload).
+7-10% Reload Speed for 4 seconds after Close Kill. Stacks 5 times.
You are angry and fast. Charging and sliding your way to the enemy, there will be no respite.
Get close to the enemy as fast as possible using Fury of the Faithful or sprinting/sliding into range.
Keep hacking away at enemies by spamming Light 1, mixing in blocks when needed and Heavy attacks when there's enough mass (enemies). Try to keep the attack speed buff going from Fury of the Faitful and circling around enemies to hit them in the back of the head to trigger Pious Cut-Throat and get the passive benefits of Backstabber.
If you are overwelmed by big boiz or other nasty enemies, try to disengage and soften them up with the revolver at mid-range. Worst case scenario, throw out a Stun-Storm Grenade to get a pause.
The trick is to always keep on moving and charging enemies to get the passive buffs from Inexorable Judgement and Enduring Faith, while simultaneously stunning enemies (shortly). The increased attack speed and damage will make the chainsword light attack instantly kill trash mobs (scabs, dregs etc) and do a pretty god job at grinding down tougher targets if there is no room to use the chain sword special attack.
Muties, armored ragers and the likes can be silenced by charging just one chain sword special heavy attack.
2x Toughness + 1x Max Health Curio.
Max out resistance to gunners and then fill in with the specials you are most allergic to.
I like to add +ability cooldown reduction so that I am always ready for a charge.
Optionally replace resistance for specials (not gunners) to Increased Sprint Effiency.
Fury of the Faithful is the key to toughness, damage and utility. Therefore, most of the build is geared towards removing that cooldown as fast as possible. Taking both Pious Cut-Throat and Invocation of Death guarantees that we will almost always have it ready.
Enduring Faith and Benediction will stack toughness damage reduction, while Bleed for the Emperor and Until Death will give us some padding on the sides.
|| Options ||
Switch out Pious Cut-Throat for Inebraite's Pose or Duelist.
Assault Chainsword: Shred is obvious and essential for +crit. Wrath could be switched for Rampage, but you would loose very much needed cleave damage for hordes.
Stub Revolver: Crucian Roulette paired with Handcannon is nice but can be switched out for Speedload if preferred.