Continuously chaining more than 2 attacks gives +2-5% Power. Stacks 10 times.
+12-24% Rending on Enemy Weak Spot Hit for 3.5s. Stacks 5 times.
+14-20% Strength on Salvo's First shot.
+10% Critical Chance for every 0.2-0.35 second while aiming. Stacks 10 times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.
Stand around like a boomer on range day and fire at paper targets to your heart's content. Don't forget to pop a cold one and get to grilling after. You don't have a lot of stamina and you don't plan to move much so pull up a chair, light a cigar, and click those heads. Marksman's Focus not required...anymore...because it doesn't help meaningfully. Darn it!