+2.5-4% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your damage by 24-36% for 3 seconds.
+5-8% Strength for every 10% of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.
+4.25-5% Strength for every Enemy you Stagger. Stacks 5 times.
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--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- INTRO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Idea behind the build:
Back in November I created the Gun Zealot. A concept that was new to the Zealot community and thus introduced New Meta into the game for Zealots!
The idea behind it was to exploit Sprint Cost Reduction with Stripped Down blessing on a really strong Columnus IAG while using Inexorable Judgement for the Attack Speed and Ranged Damage modifiers.
Since then I have been experimenting with several other versions of the Gun Zealot concept and I can finally say with conviction that I have found a build worthy of being named "The Gun Zealot Mk II"
This version takes advantage of the high crit modifiers of a Shredder Autopistol, its already really high Attack Speed, its Mobility but foremost its incredibly high Stagger and Suppression.
Thus, we shifted away from Inexorable Judgement and chose Piety instead.
Shredder is already shooting fast enough and we could instead capitalize on the weapon's extremely high critical damage potential. On top of that, we no longer need a blessing to protect us from ranged fire like Stripped Down did; We now have Stagger and Suppression to make an entire room of shooters go silent.
Similarly to the first Gun Zealot build (now known as "mark one"), it's very likely this doesn't look amazing on paper to you. Just give this build a couple of tries and, I promise you, you won't be able to switch to something else for some time. Also, watch the video linked at the bottom of this guide. It will convince you.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- SETUP --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Melee Weapon:
Ranged Weapon:
Curios:- Perk: +HP%- Blessings:
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Build Synergies:
Author Notes:
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my guide.
I really hope it was helpful.
If you want to find more guides from me search for "guide by Yobi"
If you want me to continue writing and updating these guides consider Upvoting!
Gun Zealot Mk I:
(This is where it all started. The first version of Gun Zealot build)