+1-2 Extra Chained Energised Hits and +2.5-10% Impact on Energised Hits.
+5-8% Strength for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.
+5-6.5% Strength for 3.5s on Close Range Kill.
Gain +7-10% Close Damage for 3.5 seconds after killing an enemy at close range, stacking 5 times.
Obligatory stealth build, I do not like the stealth mechanics, but this worked pretty well during penance hunt.
This isn't meant as a ninja/assassin build, the intention is to use infiltrate to move into the mix with whichever group you are currently engaging, while continuing to stay fairly close to your team.
When you find yourselves pinned down by a room full of ranged enemies, Infiltrate into them, and THEN do the gun fight dance. Smoke grenades (originally used for the penance) work really well to keep you safe if you can time it right. The suppression you deal from leaving Infiltrate and from the large capacity magazine from the Autogun disrupt the enemies enough to take them out.
Stealth is also helpful to get your noob teammates back up I guess.