+70-100% Rending on Backstab Hit.
+12-24% Rending on Enemy Weak Spot Hit for 3.5s. Stacks 5 times.
+6-12% Critical Chance for each Enemy Hit by your previous attack. Stacks 5 times.
Increased Cleave on Critical Hit and gain +10-25% Ranged Attack Stagger.
Obligatory stealth build. Get in there and one-shot backstab Crushers (or anything else for that matter). Requires precision in your strike, try to get behind what you are fighting and air for heads/weak spots.
Super Shotgun gives you a powerful quick blast to take down whatever is scary coming at you. Use it to take down large groups when they line up in hallways and such, and lets you quickly delete an elite/special at near mid range.
Also recommended is the Rashad Mk II Combat Axe with 25% Flak/Maniac perks and Brutal Momentum and Thrust as Blessings, and the Flamer as your ranged weapon with 25%Carapace/Maniac and Showstopper and Blaze Away.