Target receives 1-4 Stack(s) of +10% Damage if already Staggered. Lasts 5s.
Up to +5-20% Strength based on the charge time of your heavy attacks. Stacks 3 times.
+3.5-5% Critical Chance on Weak Spot Hit until your next Critical Hit. Stacks 5 times.
+4.5-6% Close Range damage on Repeated Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Can run this build with pretty much any melee weapon - just make sure your melee + ranged weapon covers your bases well in terms of enemy types. Krak Grenades help cover Crushers and monsters.
If you move off las weapons, can drop Shock Trooper talent. If moving to a slower firing weapon can also drop Onslaught (and stamina regen node above it). Frees up three points for something else. It's enough to grab Confirmed Kill + Close Order Drill (nice for even more durability). Or alternatively can go down the middle tree to get Rending Strikes and Bring it Down! for even more damage. Opens up the following ranged weapons:
Infiltrate combat ability can also be utilized in this build, and it's setup to be able to quickly swap to that ability with minimal impacts to the tree. Might need to drop a talent (Superiority) to get Overwatch and Hunter's Resolve sub-talents.