+5-8 Bleed Stacks on Critical Hit.
+12.5-20% Critical Chance for 6s on successful Dodge.
+4.5-6% Close Range damage on Repeated Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Gain +7-10% Close Damage for 3.5 seconds after killing an enemy at close range, stacking 5 times.
Abuse Psykinetic's Aura/Puppet Master/Seers Presence to give your team the maximum possible amount of Ults in a given time frame - sometimes up to 3x or even 4x the standard amount. Mk.V Autogun or Recon Lasgun (less optimal). The interaction between the finese damage from the Mk.V and Disrupt Destiny is absolutely bonkers. Revolver is a decent sub-in, Bolt Pistol requires Warp Battery. Mk 4 or 5 Blaze Force Sword w/ Deflector + Slaughterer: Mk 5 offers the best horde clear. Push attack spam can stagger elites and Deflector provides cover in a pinch.- Mk 4 Dueling Sword w/ Precognition and Riposte Offers the best single target dps. Heavy-Special-Repeat is very safe against Ragers.- Mk 3 or 6 Combat Blade: Preferably Mk 6, this gives you the best mobility and is surprisingly tanky thanks to Kinetic Deflection and a stamina curio. Push attack spam is its best single target DPS and is sustainable thanks to KD and Psyker's innate low stamina regen delay- Mk 3 Combat Axe w/ Brutal Momentum + (Decimator/Headtaker) : Axes require the least amount of thinking. Use heavies on Carapace and Unyielding, has another fantastic finesse bonus that scales with DD.