Enemy gains +1-4 Stacks of Soulblaze on Critical Hit.
+2.5-4% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Target receives up to 2-8 Stacks of 2.5% Brittleness, scaling with charge time of Secondary Attack. Debuff lasts for 5 seconds and can have a maximum of 16 stacks.
-8.5--5.5% Charge Time on Chained Secondary Attack. Stacks 3 times.
I always loved that Gandalf was a wizard who fought in the thick of it with a big ole sword and ever since I started playing Psyker I wanted a big ole sword of my own. Now with a refreshed talent tree and Covenant Force Swords we finally have truly frontline viable melee Psyker that can go toe to toe with the big boys and chop them good and hard.
TLDR: The goal of this build is to maximize your time and damage in melee while not throwing away the utility a Psyker can bring to the team. Pop Scrier's Gaze as much as possible for a damage boost vs elites or to farm stacks from a horde. Learn your combos, dodge and chop. Whip out your staff to soften up particularly big groups of elites or to provide CC in an oh shit moment. Use Assail to counter specialists and soften gunner packs.
I've tried a lot of the builds out there right now and none of them have sat right with me. Plenty of them are very strong, but I keep feeling like I'm sacrificing the CC a Psyker can bring for pure selfish damage. This is my attempt to build as hardcore of a melee DPS build as possible while still being able to deal with the elite spam that can overwhelm even the incredible single target damage you put out. We aren't here to play Gun-Psyker (even though that's awesome) so we don't care about talents that synergize with rapid fire guns in between bursts of Scrier's Gaze. We want to use the sword as much as possible while still having strong CC to deal with the worst situations.
I have decided that moving from Brain Rupture to Assail is simply an upgrade for this build. While you lose the infinite range snipe of Brain Rupture you get a lot more use out of Assail which triggers Malefic Momentum and thus makes you stronger. We can also now take Warp Splitting to increase our cleave with peril to somewhat makeup for the lost cleave from Wrath. Losing Psykinetic's Aura had much less impact than I thought it would. Worst case scenario Scrier's Gaze is on cooldown for around ~18 seconds. You could swap auras to Seer's Prescence to shave another couple seconds off that, but I think maxing your crits (especially because we don't have as much cleave) is better.