Enemies affected by this modifier have a different head model and exhibit the following effects: When shot, the enemy will explode. Their head armor type becomes infested. They gain 1.25x faster movement speed. Their hit mass is increased by 1.5x. They are suppression immune. 25% Chance to Spawn with Effect: Scab Rager 20% Chance to Spawn with Effect: Bulwarks Crusher Reaper 10% Chance to Spawn with Effect: Dreg Flamer Dreg Grenadier Scab Grenadier Dreg Gunner Scab Gunner Dreg Rager Dreg Shotgunner Scab Shotgunner Dreg Bruiser Scab Bruiser Groaner Poxwalker Scab Shooter Dreg Stalker Scab Stalker 5% Chance to Spawn with Effect: Scab Flamer Moebian 21st