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 Heinous Rituals Circumstance 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 Heinous Rituals Circumstance 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

"Reports indicate that the Admonition has begun creating more Daemonhosts in this area, stop these rituals before it's too late."

Daemonhost Rituals will spawn on the map when triggered by proximity (within 55 meters).

  • All missions have 5 rituals, except:
  • Hab Dreyko, which has 3 rituals
  • Clandestium Gloriana, which has 4 rituals

Ritualists gradually fill the boss bar. Once the bar reaches 100%, they will die, and the Daemonhost at the center will spawn.

  • The boss bar fills up faster the closer you are to the ritual.
  • Killing cultists will slow the filling of the bar, with the slowdown proportional to the number of cultists killed.
  • To stop the Daemonhost from spawning, kill all the cultists.

Once the Daemonhost spawns, it will not despawn after killing one or multiple players.