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 The Encroaching Garden Circumstance 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 The Encroaching Garden Circumstance 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

"Marked Enemies, blessed by the Lord of Pestilence, will heal affected allies in proximity. If these enemies are not dealt with quickly, they will rapidly regenerate the enemy forces."

Marked enemies (Purple) grant the "Blessed by the Garden" effect to other enemies within a 5-meter radius. The effect lasts for 2 seconds and is refreshed as long as the enemy remains in the radius. It heals affected units for 1200 health per second. Marked enemies cannot receive this effect themselves.

Enemies that are guaranteed to be marked (100% chance):

  • Dreg Captain

Enemies with a 35% chance to be marked:

  • Bulwark
  • Crusher

Enemies with a 25% chance to be marked:

  • Dreg Gunner
  • Scab Gunner
  • Dreg Shotgunner
  • Scab Shotgunner
  • Dreg Rager
  • Scab Rager
  • Scab Mauler
  • Reaper

Enemies with a 20% chance to be marked:

  • Scab Captain

Enemies with a 10% chance to be marked:

  • Daemonhost