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MG XII Lasgun | Damnation | Best in Slot
hugh-jazz 1 year ago
 MG XII Lasgun | Damnation | Best in Slot
 Veteran Build - Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 MG XII Lasgun | Damnation | Best in Slot
 Veteran Build - Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

Crowd Control


weapon container top
Scandar Mk III Power Sword
Scandar Mk III Power Sword
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Carapace Armoured Enemies)
+5-20% Block Efficiency


+5-8% Strength for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.



Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your damage by 24-36% for 3 seconds.

weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Kantrael Mk IX Infantry Lasgun
Kantrael Mk IX Infantry Lasgun
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Unarmoured Enemies)
Increase Ranged Critical Strike Chance by 2-5%
Between the Eyes

Between the Eyes

Gain Suppression Immunity for 2.4-3.6s on Weak Spot Hit.

Deadly Accurate

Deadly Accurate

+70-100% Critical Weak Spot Damage.

weapon container bottom


weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+1 Wound(s)

+1 Wound(s)

+6-15% Corruption Resistance
+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
+6-12% Block Efficiency
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+1-3 Max Stamina

+1-3 Max Stamina

+6-15% Corruption Resistance
+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
+6-12% Block Efficiency
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+13-17% Toughness

+13-17% Toughness

+6-15% Corruption Resistance
+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
+6-12% Block Efficiency
weapon container bottom


Talent trees on Veteran builds have been reset due to the changes made in the "The Traitor Curse Part 1" update.



On damnation, veterans have one main job: to kill hordes of ranged mobs and elites as fast as possible and by themselves. no other class can compete with ranged hordes outside of vet. Ogryn = stagger. Preacher = Tank / melee elite killer. Psyker = special. Veteran = Ranged / ranged elite killer.

Power sword: 

The power sword is still simply the best in-slot melee weapon for the veteran post-nerf. Has incredible horde clear, and helps to take down crushers.

  • Slaughterer: Power is an overall buff to most of your weapon stats. This perk makes transitioning from hordes to crushers buff your damage immensely and improves overall consistency.
  • Rampage: The trash mobs that get caught in your heavy swings will buff your damage on any melee elite you're attacking. Fewer hits to kill crushers, and consistent 1 hit kills on all trash mobs.
  • Block efficiency: Highly valuable perk on all melee weapons, preserves stamina.
  • Carapace damage: Faster crusher kills.

MG 12 Las gun:

With proper perks, MK 12 can 1shot body unarmored ranged enemies and elites. Headshots can 1 shot all man-sized enemies that don't have flak or carapace armor. (Critical headshots will kill flak ragers)

  • Between the Eyes: Clearing suppression and granting suppression immunity allows you to shoot at reapers and gunners without any screen shake. Makes shooting much more reliable, effective, and efficient.
  • Deadly Accurate: This build has a high crit chance. ⅓ of your headshots will crit which makes this perk reliably let you 1-shot ⅓ of reapers and armored ragers/flamers.
  • Unarmored damage: Consistent 1-shotting of ranged mobs.
  • Critical chance: Makes your crit perks more reliable.


General good overall picks, you can run whatever you'd like but I like block efficiency, stamina regeneration, and corruption resistance to be good overall picks. +1 wound +3 stamina and a little bonus toughness never hurt anybody either. Your stamina perks in this build are percentage based so you really can skip out on stamina, its just a quality of life thing.

Confirmed Kill:

50% toughness per elite kill is very powerful and reliable on damnation where there is no shortage of elites. Playing in coherency is essential on damnation and you will not be consistently 8 meters away from enemies. When you are in your ultimate you will have at least 75% damage reduction to toughness so it should never break and recharging it on elite kills (which can be ranged or melee) is amazing. If I noticed I am below half toughness I'll just make sure to take a shot or two to kill an elite and I'm back to full.


Up to 20% additional damage makes your 1-2 shot kills on all enemies that much more consistent. Grenades are good for revives and staggering, however, a reliable team will not rely on their veteran for staggering or reviving. Reloading happens too infrequently on las guns to take.

Bio-Optic Targetting:

Huge quality of life for your team, especially psykers, covering fire is pointless since shooting into hoards is a waste of time and ammo. Your power sword is made for hordes and if your teammates are taking toughness damage then you should be shooting at the ranged enemies DEALING the toughness damage NOT the horde. A 5% chance to get a grenade on elite kill is inconsistent and grenades aren't very strong as stated before.

Unwavering Focus:

This perk is simply better than Duck and Dive. Taking ranged damage gives you ~20% stamina per hit taken and when you're taking 75% less damage you can straight up tank all ranged fire whilst also recharging your stamina to consistently proc your Deadshot perk


This perk adds loads of reliability to your stability/screen shaking while shooting and the 25% critical chance plays into this high damage high crit build


BEST IN SLOT. Scab shooters are extremely common and enables you to nearly infinitely chain your ultimate for 75% toughness damage reduction and bonus ranged damage.

The reload perk and monstrosity perk can be useful for trying to get the 5 second monstrosity kill achievement but they simply are outclasses by counterfire.

1 year ago