Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your damage by 24-36% for 3 seconds.
+25-40% Cleave on Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Your Secondary Attack cannot be interrupted and loses 20-50% of Secondary Attack Movement Speed penalties.
Backline Support Build. You can stagger and stun any enemy, small or big with the Surge staff.
Your damage increases if you have higher Peril.
You can quell Peril to regain Toughness due to Quietitude passive.
Your movement isn't hindered thanks to Mind In Motion passive.
Keep your Ultimate ready at any time while using the staffs charged attack. Highly likely you are going to overcharge and blow yourself up unless you activate the Ultimate to quell 50% of your Peril instantly ;)
Only use Brain Burst for Snipers or enemies you can't reach. Other than that all you have to do is ZAP ZAP stun enemies with your Surge Staff and your teammates will take care of the rest.
The only thing you need for the build is the SURGE STAFF. Anything else can be modified.
Nomanus Mk VI Surge Force Staff: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/weapons/force-staff-surge/nomanus-mk-vi-surge-force-staff