This weapon Blocks both Melee and Ranged attacks. Additionally, Block Cost is reduced by 22.5-30%.
Enemy gains +1-4 Stack(s) of Soulblaze on Critical Hit, to a maximum of 3-12 Stack(s).
You can Hipfire with this weapon while Sprinting. +6-15% Close Damage while Sprinting. Also reduces weapon spread at all times by 30%.
Your Secondary Attack cannot be interrupted and loses 20-50% of Secondary Attack Movement Speed penalties.
Ever wanted to be palpatine and also never be hit by anything ever again? Then this build is for you! This is a support build designed to paralyse hordes with lightning and stop them dead in their tracks, while brain bursting elites/specials to spread soul blaze to deal high passive AOE damage, and then holding block against bosses and never be hit since you have an insane amount of stamina, letting your teammates freely kill them. This build won’t deal the highest damage, but it will give you the best chance at completing that high int shock troop gauntlet damnation mission