+45-60% Finesse Damage for 2s on successful Dodge.
+2.5-4% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Gain between 3.5-5% and 14-20% Critical Chance based on current level of peril.
Suppress Enemies within 5-8 Radius on Close Range Kill.
This is a build I often use on Auric Missions for Hi-Int' Shock Troopers. It's hard to describe, but the toughness regen alongside the ability to not overshoot your peril meter makes it a pretty good allrounder. I've carried and performed well with this.Biggest thing is that this build, to me, resembles the "Sister of the Thorne" from Vermintide 2. Hence the use of the shield. The bubble is useful - But Wall Shield is more versatile and the ability to complety stop Specials and more is really useful. Only issue you may find with it is that it's a bit lethargic to use. Not as snappy as the Thorne where pressing F instantly means you pull it up. But I found it good in a pinch - especially you can create walls towards specific gunners with each being their own "HP" so it's not all focused on one.The Sword is useful when dealing with manaics, be sure to heavy-attack with it though. And the Surge-Staff is for Carapace and more as you won't be dealing a lot of damage with the Assail shards against such enemies.Overall - I found it to be a pretty decent build, tho' I'm sure someone can improve upon it eventually.