+12.5-20% Critical Chance for 6s on successful Dodge.
+2.5-4% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Gain between 3.5-5% and 14-20% Critical Chance based on current level of peril.
2 Shots on Critical Hit. +2-5% Ranged Crit Chance.
Tested the void staff in meat grinder. It seems the Surge crit can 1 shot a crusher with a headshot and pretty much 3 shot it any other time. The fact that the charged shots can pierce through targets makes killing massive hordes in hi intensity pretty simple. Im also running nodes that synergize well with crit since the build needs crit for a lot of things.Assail is good since it can kill things through hordes quickly if need be. Usually the plan is: Use Assail till I run out. Then use the voidstaff. If there are big groups of hordes or heavy enemies I use the voidstaff.The other thing I use, similar to the support build, is the shield with the warp charges. I still think that getting your ult back off 1 charge is a bug, but even if it didn't give it back fully this is still a really good grab.The shield blocks all ranged attacks and replenishes toughness while inside and when the shield breaks. Its all around a really good combat ability on its own. With this build it can make you feel like you can do it all.
The thing that this build might lack is boss damage. However the voidstaff can do a pretty decent amount of damage to bosses too. Just not the same amount as say... Zealot Stealth Thunderhammer.
P.S. I would normally take the Illisi Blaze Force Sword, however it seems I have been hearing that it has a bug with staggering. I haven't really tested this myself, but I see that most would recommend the dueling sword that I listed above till it gets fixed.