+17-20% Movement Speed for 2s on Weapon Special Activation.
+2.5-4% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.
+18-30% Toughness on Elite Kill.
You can Hipfire with this weapon while Sprinting. +6-15% Close Damage while Sprinting. Also reduces weapon spread at all times by 30%.
Toughness regen when doing damage and moving (which is how you play Zealot if you didn't know), lots of Stun with grenades + ability, plus a bunch of movement bonuses. Use Rev on the Eviscerator to get in and out of sticky situations, as long as no ranged around, you can use the movement bonus to indefinitely kite melee enemies and can in most cases kite monstrosities.
Revolver is nice to quickdraw and headtap gunner elites and trappers, once again use Rev to gain movement speed to gain space if you need to reload.Lots of cleave and crit chance.
Rev + Until death + Chorus gives lots of chances to avoid mistakes and get out of sticky situations.
Last updated: 19/04/2024