Up to +5-20% Strength based on the charge time of your heavy attacks. Stacks 3 times.
Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, restores 12-15% toughness.
Gain Ranged Attack Immunity while sprinting with over 50-80% Stamina.
+4.5-6% Close Range damage on Repeated Hit. Stacks 5 times.
This is your New Zealot META; A Close-Range "Ranged-Weapon" Zealot.
Idea behind the build:
It may seems odd to you but this is what peak performance looks like!
After playing Crit and Wound builds for a while I always thought they are clearly superior in melee compared to Inexorable Judgement.
This is when it all clicked together;
Inexorable Judgement increases ranged rate of fire (ranged DPS) and damage. There are parts of the talent tree dedicated to Sprinting, Dodging, Ranged Damage, Ranged Backstab, Spread-Recoil Reduction and Reloading.
Adding to that an Infantry Autogun with Stripped Down and Stealth, I realized I had a gem in my hands; A high mobility, high-dps, immune to ranged damage, close range, stealth, range-weapon zealot.
The build is Auric Damnation ready and extremely fun to play.
Here are the key points:
Ranged Weapon
Melee Weapon
Talent Synergy:
Other noteworthy talents:
-- I'm personally happy with the build as it is but if I wanna pick slightly different talents I'd sacrifice one/some of the following: Sainted Gunslinger, Invigorating Revelation (ability modifier), Pious Cut-throat (CDR), Until Death + Holy Revenant
How to play:
Thank you if you made it to the end of this guide.
I know it still sounds odd/unorthodox to you but trust me and give it a try.
Below you'll find a video where I clutch the game, I do the highest damage and I clear whole rooms of gunners/reapers/shooters by my own while my team is pinned and unable to move forward
If you upvoted this guide I tip my hat to you, sir.