+5-8% Strength for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.
+12.5-20% Critical Chance for 6s on successful Dodge.
2 Shots on Critical Hit. +2-5% Ranged Crit Chance.
Gain between 3.5-5% and 14-20% Critical Chance based on current level of peril.
Kill enemies marked with Dirsupt Destiny using targeted Assails and Scirer's Gaze. Switch to Sword when Scirer's Gaze ends at 100% Peril - proceed to shred everything. You will constantly be criting and so also constantly dodging ranged attacks. This is a high risk, high reward build. Warp Rider can be used instead of Warp Expenditure and Battle Meditation for more damage. But Warp Expenditure + Battle Meditation will constantly gain Toughness while Scirer's Gaze is active from and will help keep your Peril lower, extending Scrier's Gaze duration, in combination with Purloin Providence when you kill a Disrupt Destiny marked target.