Heavy Sword Laspistol Allrounder
Build for Darktide
Allrounder Zealot build focused on damage and survivability, damage output is great and it deals with everything extremely well, except its damage output to bosses is mediocre.
--Mark IX Heavy Sword --
Main weapon of the build, will deal with most threats easily, can one shot headshot every specialist in the game with the Heavy 1 strike down, the other attacks can easily deal with hordes and non-armoured threats, I personally use chain heavy 2 & 3 or LHLHLH(repeat endless) to deal with hordes, you can run savage sweep but I find the cleave is already good enough. For ragers, maulers and crushers Special into Heavy 1 repeated will stagger and deal with them fast, they are still dangerous in big packs though. for bosses use the Special into Heavy 1 combo
--MG MkII Heavy Laspistol--
This is in my opinion the best Zealot ranged currently, it quickly deals with any specialist and elite enemies, while being able to deal with packs of stalkers and shooters unlike the revolver, its main downside of not being able to deal with carapace well is completely negated by Fury of the Faithful as FotF will turn any carapace enemy into flak armour for 3 seconds, pack of crushers? press F and mag dump and they are most likely dead, Ghost also gives us ranged immunity on headshots which you should be get easily with how little spread this has. Alternatively you could use Infernus for extra damage output, using Infernus gives you a massive damage output boost against bosses but will chew though ammo, its up to you whether the ranged immunity or boss damage is more valuable. The Revolver and Shredder Autopistols are also good alternatives for the Laspistol if you're not a fan. I recommend Surgical or Crucian Roulette and Hand-cannon on the revolver to deal with crushers. Maniac and Flak as perks and Blaze away and inspiring barrage are my recommendations for the shredder autopistol, pinning fire is okay but due to a lot of the enemies you'll use the shredder on being immune or resistant to stagger i find that the survivablity of inspiring barrage is more valuable