+45-60% Weak Spot Damage for 3 seconds on Pushing Enemies.
+12-24% Rending on Enemy Weak Spot Hit for 3.5s. Stacks 5 times.
Critical hit chance scales by your current heat level up to 27.5-50%. Also increases critical ranged attacks damage by 4-10%.
Target receives 1-4 Stacks of 2.5% Brittleness on direct projectile hit. Debuff lasts for 5 seconds and can have a maximum of 16 stacks.
The Plasma Executioner
I've seen a lot of people on reddit and the discord asking about how to make Executioner's stance work, and this is a good way to do it. Executioner stance has some major downsides when compared to Infiltrate or Voice of Command. It lacks the ability to instantly refill your toughness, push enemies away, or drop aggro entirely. To make up for this shortcoming, we're taking both Close Order Drill and Iron Will. We'll also be taking two toughness curios. This will give us enough staying power to not fold when cornered by hordes or elites. The next downside worth mentioning is the lack of ability to make space for yourself. To remedy this, we'll be using the Standard Issue Shovel and taking improved frag grenades. This weapon got a BIG glow up recently and is now one of the best weapons for making space. Between Uncanny Strike and Take a Swing, we're able to mulch through hordes and use the stagger from the weapon's heavy attack to hold things like ragers and maulers at bay. The Shovel also gives you 6 dodges and a fat block of stamina for blocking. We're also taking improved frag grenades to help with making space and dealing with gunners. The 25% damage increase and the radius increase for the improved frag grenades means it will stagger an enormous amount of enemies at once and clear hordes extremely quickly. This can come in really clutch if you are the last one alive. Throwing two grenades will clear out any mob pack that doesn't have a lot of armor. With our weaknesses covered, let’s look at our strengths. We have a huge amount of damage for our plasma gun with talents like Executioners Stance, Focus Target, Redirect Fire, Bring it down, Precision Strikes, Rending Strikes, and Killzone. You should be able to one shot all shotgunners, trappers, bombers, snipers, and gunners to the body without using Executioners Stance. With your combat ability active, you should be able to kill most elites and specials with two body shots or one headshot. Your frag grenades regen quickly with Demolition Team and help soften up or delay targets or quickly deal with hordes. The ability to slap an extra 32% damage on a boss with Focus Target and Focused Fire means either you or your team can kill it quickly. We'll also be passively giving our team an extra 12% damage from Redirect Fire. We have insane toughness regeneration with Confirmed Kill and Catch a Breath which lets us act as a miniature toughness battery for our team because of Born Leader. Overall, this build can do everything well. Other builds will be able to handle more specific threats better, but if you like using Executioner’s Stance and have been struggling lately, I highly recommend you try this out for yourself. It's extremely strong if you stay around your team and use your melee appropriately.