Up to +5-20% Strength based on the charge time of your heavy attacks. Stacks 3 times.
+12-24% Rending on Enemy Weak Spot Hit for 3.5s. Stacks 5 times.
+10% Critical Chance for every 0.3-0.45 second while aiming. Stacks 10 times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.
+30-60% Rending on Critical Hit.
For those that want to use the Revolver, this is the ideal build I am using for Patch #16. It features PLENTY of damage and many ways to restore toughness by killing off specials and elites at high speed.
Win-rate is approximately 82% down from the previous 89% for the No Keystone Revolver, but this is due to the nerf to the Revolver's Carapace Armored damage (suffered in Patch #16).
You can swap the Unarmored or Maniac perks for Carapace Armored damage, based on your Revolver's Stats and killing potential.
Vid Link: https://youtu.be/eMc-tRvZs74