Enemy gains +1-4 Stack(s) of Soulblaze on Critical Hit, to a maximum of 3-12 Stack(s).
+5-8% Strength for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.
+4.5-6% Close Range damage on Repeated Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Immune to Ranged Attacks for 0.6-1.2s on Weak Spot Hit.
This build is using Soulblaze and general attack pattern from our Illsi FSword as our primary form of horde clearing, the special attack for carapace armor, the laspistol for elite, special, and ranged clearing, and Smite for both talent placement as well as a CC option. Use Gaze often, as it increases your general damage, as well as your survivability through bonus toughness DR as well as more procs of Mettle.
Weapons are what i currently have, and aren't fully optimized.
Any non-revolver gun will do, but YMMV with this specific setup depending on the one you take.
If you REALLY want to better deal with carapace armor, you can swap out the Illsi for a Deimos with Blazing Spirit and Shred, though you'll run into problems with reliably keeping your Warp Rider buff high, and hordes become a bit more concerning.
A flexible talent point has been left unused, use it on what you feel is best for your style. Warp Expenditure gives you more toughness regain, Warp Speed will further increase your mobility, Anticipation helps if you find yourself running out of dodges, Enfeeble and Lightning Storm gives you more supportive capabilities, and a bonus 5% toughness DR is just nice to have.