Dubbed the 'defender', the Kantrael MG is the sidearm of choice for Cadian regiments, and has likewise found favour amongst the Moebian Steepleguard.
A lightweight, versatile weapon with improved accuracy while on the move.
A high-powered weapon with greatly improved damage output.
Weapon's Ammo capacity.
How much damage the weapon inflicts.
Measure of Movement Speed, Sprint Speed, and Dodge distance bonus while the weapon is active.
Affects Recoil, Spread and Sway after firing the Weapon.
Measure of the Impact and Stagger inflicted on enemies.
Shooting swiftly at the expense of some accuracy.
Aim Down Sights for better targeting.
Push enemies away with your empty hand.
Gain Suppression Immunity for 2.4-3.6s on Weak Spot Hit.
Up to 2-5% Critical Chance on Chained Ranged Weak Spot Hit (Any Target).
5-12.5% Critical Chance for 2s on successful Dodge.
4.5-6% Close Range damage on Repeated Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Immune to Ranged Attacks for 0.6-1.2s on Weak Spot Hit.
1-4 Burn Stack(s) on Critical Hit to a maximum of 3-12 Stack(s).
32.5-40% Damage when shooting Enemies in the back.
10-16% Toughness on Critical Hit Kill.
You can Hipfire with this weapon while Sprinting. 6-15% Close Damage while Sprinting. Also reduces weapon spread at all times by 30%.
7-10% Reload Speed for 3 seconds after Close Kill. Stacks 5 times.
The Kantrael Mk X Heavy Laspistol unlocks for the Zealot at level 8.
The Kantrael Mk X Heavy Laspistol unlocks for the Psyker at level 1.
The Kantrael Mk X Heavy Laspistol unlocks for the Veteran at level 8.