+11-14 Bleed Stacks from Special Attacks.
+17-20% Movement Speed for 2s on Weapon Special Activation.
+0.45-0.6% Critical Chance for each expended round in your weapon (resets on reload).
+10% Critical Chance for every 0.2-0.35 second while aiming. Stacks 10 times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.
You don't need to go back in time, but you will be as slippery as an eel and as deadly as a cobra.
Go stealthy, find a good vantage point and start sniping enemy weakspots (while standing still).
Once enemies find you or you are out of scope, go stealthy and move with your team mates to find a new spot. Rinse and repeat.
When things get too heated for you, dump grenades or go stealhy and find a better spot.
When the team gets swarmed, help out by dumping grenades and using the chain sword special to whack specials and elites. If a team mate goes down, instantly activate Infiltrate and run to revive. If there's loads of enemies, try to clear some space before reviving with your grenades. Also, you can actually revive while in stealth!
2x Toughness + 1x Stamina Curio (!)
This build is centered around Infiltrate as the go to ability for survivability and damage enhancement when Marksman is activated. That being said, activating Infiltrate only for damage can be risky. Most of the time you should be standing still (or close to still) while getting stacks from Marksman's Focus + Camouflage. This will enable you to stay in ADS, build buffs with Crucian Roulette and Surgical while sniping enemy weakspots. Killing enemies from weakspots enables you to move for 3 seconds without loosing Marksman's Focus stacks. I usually go for a quick slide to reposition right after downing an enemy, back into ADS and repeat. Usually this is good enough to only loose a few stacks and then get right back to 10 stacks so that Chink In their Armour can stay active.
Agripinaa Mk IX Headhunter Autogun: This weapon is amazing. The burst mode fires three bullets and enables you to aim for the middle/upper part of enemy torsos' and then "climb up" with the recoil to (usually) gain a headshot. Crucian Roulette and Surgical keeps buffing you passively in ADS mode and for each expended bullet. Also, the ammo efficiency is amazing so there's never really a need to conserve ammo.
Cadia Mk IV Assault Chainsword: This weapon is great for assassinating muties and doggos when needed, but also regular scabs and dregs are usually dead by just one hit. Rev It Up + Blood Letter is my preferred choice for downing priority targets (Maulers, Muties, Doggos etc.) since you can easily close the distance with the increased movement speed and the bleed stacks usually take care of any remaining health. Rev It Up also gives you the added benefit of boosting you movement speed when repositioning for a better vantage point.
Chainsword could be switched out for a shovel or cleaving sword to better handle hordes.
You will be very susceptible to zombies sneaking up on you and that's why you need to be fast and ready to switch to melee and dodge away. If Infiltrate is up don't hesitate to use it as a panic button.
Playing with pugs will most often get you killed when people are running ahead and not really paying attention to the struggles of the team, since you are sort of a glass canon when Infiltrate isn't ready.
Lastly, beware of tunnel vision :) It's really easy to forget when you're in the thick of it.