One of the newest autogun STCs to be uncovered by the Tech-Priests of Agripinaa, the Mk IX couples excellent range with a devastating burst firing mode.
A tactical firing mode allowing short, controlled bursts.
Improved aim, rewarding careful selection of targets and ammo-efficient shots.
Weapon's Ammo capacity.
How much damage the weapon inflicts.
Measure of Movement Speed, Sprint Speed, and Dodge distance bonus while the weapon is active.
Affects Recoil, Spread and Sway after firing the Weapon.
Measure of the Impact and Stagger inflicted on enemies.
Shooting swiftly at the expense of some accuracy.
Aim Down Sights for better targeting.
Use the firearm to attack your enemy in close combat.
Gain Suppression Immunity for 2.4-3.6s on Weak Spot Hit.
0.45-0.6% Critical Chance for each expended round in your weapon (resets on reload).
70-100% Critical Weak Spot Damage.
Increased stagger on enemies by 60-90%, on Weakspot hit. Additionally, increases ranged stagger strength by 30%.
Immune to Ranged Attacks for 0.6-1.2s on Weak Spot Hit.
14-20 Critical Chance on Weak Spot Hit until your next Critical Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Up to 14-20% Damage on Hit (Staggered Enemy), scaling with Stagger.
14-20% Strength on Salvo's First shot.
10% Critical Chance for every 0.2-0.35 second while aiming. Stacks 10 times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.
The Agripinaa Mk IX Vigilant Autogun unlocks for the Psyker at level 4.
The Agripinaa Mk IX Vigilant Autogun unlocks for the Veteran at level 3.
The Agripinaa Mk IX Vigilant Autogun unlocks for the Zealot at level 5.