+2.5-4% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your cleave by 140-200% for 2 seconds.
+4.25-5% Strength for every Enemy you Stagger. Stacks 5 times.
Target receives 1-4 Stacks of 2.5% Brittleness on direct projectile hit. Debuff lasts for 5 seconds and can have a maximum of 16 stacks.
Balanced because of how effective the block push follow up is. You can consistently block and cleave with that attack, and after you initially swing you can easily follow up with a wide heavy.
This has a solid move set and all the passive buffs from my original "Offense Build".
Good luck and have fun! Cleave everything and refund your relic.