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The Trench Sweeper
Kaiphas Darktide 11 months ago
 The Trench Sweeper
 Veteran Build - Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 The Trench Sweeper
 Veteran Build - Warhammer 40k: Darktide 



weapon container top
Antax Mk V Combat Axe
Antax Mk V Combat Axe
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
+10-25% Damage (Unarmoured Enemies)


+3.5-5% Strength for 3.5s on Hit. Stacks 5 times.

Brutal Momentum

Brutal Momentum

+7.5-15% Weak Spot Damage. Weakspot Kills also ignore Enemy Hit Mass.

weapon container bottom
weapon container top
M35 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun
M35 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Maniacs)
+10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
Gets Hot!

Gets Hot!

Critical hit chance scales by your current heat level up to 27.5-50%. Also increases critical ranged attacks damage by 4-10%.

Blaze Away

Blaze Away

+5-8% Strength for every shot fired during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.

weapon container bottom


weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+1-3 Max Stamina

+1-3 Max Stamina

+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
+5-20% Damage Resistance (Gunners)
+7.5-30% Toughness Regeneration Speed
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+13-17% Toughness

+13-17% Toughness

+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
+2-5% Toughness
+7.5-30% Toughness Regeneration Speed
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+17-21% Max Health

+17-21% Max Health

+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
+5-20% Damage Resistance (Gunners)
+7.5-30% Toughness Regeneration Speed
weapon container bottom





Most people run the plasma gun with VoC, but those people are a bunch of fragging karkers. If you want to play this weapon like a real veteran, run this set up. For your plasma, take Flak and maniac damage. This lets you kill any non ogryn in 1-2 shots and ogryn enemies in 2-3 when executioners stance is up. If you have crappy blessings, it really does not matter. Gets Hot and Blaze away will give you the most extra damage, but shattering impact, glory hunter, and volitile can all work. The perks matter a lot more.  

Bring a melee weapon that can deal with chaff and has solid defensive stats (shovels, combat axes, power swords, chain swords, and devils claws all work well). Use your frag grenades often to clear groups of enemies and save ammo. Use Executioners stance whenever you really just need all the heretics in sight to stop breathing and fall into a pile of ashes. When dealing with bosses, stall for time until you have full stacks of Focus Target, then slap that sucker on the boss and "blaze away". 

Seriously, this build does the MOST damage possible on a veteran. If you've been used to playing with voice of command, give this a try. It might take a few runs to get used to playing more safely, but once you get the hang of it, no other class or set up can come close to the lethality of this build (mostly because the plasma gun is op and executioners stance is severely under rated. 

If you want to see the build in action, check out the link to my youtube channel below. The talents in that video are a little outdated (it's much easier to update these guides) but the playstyle and the rationale are the same. Happy hunting varlets. 


11 months ago