Target receives 1-4 Stack(s) of +10% Damage if already Staggered. Lasts 5s.
Up to +5-20% Strength based on the charge time of your heavy attacks. Stacks 3 times.
+14-20% Strength on Salvo's First shot.
+14-20 Critical Chance on Weak Spot Hit until your next Critical Hit. Stacks 5 times.
A John Darktide build for those looking to roleplay as a basic-ass Guard soldier or those confident in their aim skills. Should be Auric viable, but will require good aim skills to be effective.
The setup I have on the lasgun and talent tree should be enough to one-shot Gunners, Shotgunners, and every specialist sans mutant in a single headshot, no critical needed, so quite consistent. Ragers will be more of a problem but Executioner’s Stance will help with that.
Make sure Opening Salvo is ready, otherwise it won’t one-shot and you’ll have to waste time lining up another shot for the kill. It takes one second to cool down before it can be used again.
For a more defensive playstyle, swap out Executioner’s Stance for Voice of Command, taking the Duty and Honour add-on. Use the two skill points you save doing this to take Exhilarating Takedown, and you get Longshot as a bonus!
This build does not deal with Maulers or Ogryns well, so be aware of this. If you want to be able to take those guys on solo, you can drop Demolition Stockpile to take Kraks, but this will gimp your crowd control abilities a bit. Your shovel will handle horde clear well, however, and will be used to one-shot mutants (3 stacks of Thrust 4 will guarantee a kill).
Shock Trooper is bad, don’t use it. Survivalist gives you way more than enough ammo to live off of. Determined is necessary due to the single-shot nature of the build - however, you can try taking it off for the +25 toughness node below Iron Will if you think that might be more effective.