+19-25% Impact for 1.5s on Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Target receives 1-4 Stack(s) of +10% Damage if already Staggered. Lasts 5s.
+4.5-6% Critical Chance for each expended round in your weapon (resets on reload).
+10% Critical Chance for every 0.3-0.45 second while aiming. Stacks 10 times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.
Zealot CC build designed for Aurics. Not much damage compared to other melee-focused builds but consistent stagger on Ragers, Maulers, and Crushers, for those without teammates who can kill them effectively. Good at buying time for the rest of your team to output damage.
Punishment & Hammerblow are all you need to consistently get knockdowns on problem targets. Skullcrusher is an obvious pick. Spam powerup > light as much as you can. Switch to your gun when sprinting places, as Crusher has no draw-time and consumes extra stamina. Stats to maximize are Crowd Control (better attack speed, more hits), Penetration (better damage), and Power Output (better CC). Dump stat is Defences, mid rolls are OK on Damage.
Use revolver to snipe problem specials and gunners at range. Ordinarily throwing knives would do the trick, but I prefer bringing firebombs for this build. Reload always when you get a free opportunity, remember to ADS as you still get full movement speed and Surgical stacks. Maximize Critical Bonus, Mobility, and Penetration. Dump stat is Reload Speed, mid-rolls on Damage are ok. Don't bring brace revolver, it's trash. If you can't consistently nail headshots, bring a Columnus mk5 instead - use Dumdum and Stripped Down for blessings. Dump stats for that are Damage and Stability, midroll Ammo is ok, maximize Stopping Power and Mobility.
Spam active ability as much as you can when in the midst of combat for the 25% attack speed boost. Use firebombs when cornered, they're quick to pull out and throw. You can swap out a Stamina curio or two for +toughness instead, keep the perks the same.