+3.5-5% Strength for 3.5s on Hit. Stacks 5 times.
Hitting an enemy gives them 1-4 stacks of 2.5% Brittleness. Debuff lasts for 5 seconds and can have a maximum of 16 stacks.
+5-8% Strength for every 10% of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.
+7-10% Strength for every 4 Single Target Hits. Lasts 2s and Stacks 5 times.
Ranged shooty Ogryn build, Maelstrom viable. Absolutely shreds bosses and packs of elites, but don't get careless - it has poor ammo economy. The Karsolas is a great general-purpose melee weapon, and you will be using lights more often than heavies, since heavy melee attacks aren't juiced up to the max.
A single activation of PBB can melt half a boss healthbar assuming all shots hit, and by the end of it you should have run out of ammo in your magazine. The Achlys can be whipped out to burst a small group of Ragers or Maulers if need be - don't use it against Crushers without PBB, it's bad. Active ability is also a great panic button for when you don't have or want to use Frag Bomb.
Overall a very powerful build, but during barrage you will want your teammates to cover you so you can output as much damage as possible. Stick with the lil' 'uns.