Target receives 1-4 Stack(s) of +10% Damage if already Staggered. Lasts 5s.
+5-8% Strength for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.
Gain +7-10% Close Damage for 3.5 seconds after killing an enemy at close range, stacking 5 times.
+5-6.5% Strength for 3.5s on Close Range Kill.
don't waste point on attack speed, push+heavy for most, push+light for big finesse damage
I did use bolter initially for fun but you can really lay down the pain with a braced. honestly whichever one is a matter of preference, they're alright at range if you burst. i like agripinaa just because you can stack fury, martyr and make it sound really funny. It does most damage math wise over the whole ammo use but honestly any of the braced autoguns will work and its personal preference.