Continuously chaining more than 2 attacks gives +2-5% Power. Stacks 10 times.
+12-24% Rending on Enemy Weak Spot Hit for 3.5s. Stacks 5 times.
+14-20% Strength for 5s when every pellet in a shot hits the same enemy.
Up to +14-20% Damage on Hit (Staggered Enemy), scaling with Stagger.
Just fiddling around for fun and memes on an Auric Maelstrom C-I-VI, Mk7 Shovel has insane single target potential from its Push -> Light -> Light combo while still having respectable horde clear potential while Shredder grenades provide constant bullying and bleeding for armored waves thanks to all the grenade talents. Agripinna Shotgun is only there to deal with annoying non-Melee heretics for this particular Maelstrom.