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Auric Quintessential: Psyker
Mezmorki 3 months ago
 Auric Quintessential: Psyker
 Psyker Build - Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 Auric Quintessential: Psyker
 Psyker Build - Warhammer 40k: Darktide 



weapon container top
Illisi Mk V Blaze Force Sword
Illisi Mk V Blaze Force Sword
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
+10-25% Damage (Maniacs)


This weapon Blocks both Melee and Ranged attacks. Additionally, Block Cost is reduced by 22.5-30%.



+2.5-4% Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks 5 times.

weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Equinox Mk IV Voidstrike Force Staff
Equinox Mk IV Voidstrike Force Staff
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
Increase Ranged Critical Strike Chance by 2-5%


2 Shots on Critical Hit. +2-5% Ranged Crit Chance.

Warp Nexus

Warp Nexus

Gain between 3.5-5% and 14-20% Critical Chance based on current level of peril.

weapon container bottom


weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+1-3 Max Stamina

+1-3 Max Stamina

+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
+2-5% Toughness
+2-5% Health
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+13-17% Toughness

+13-17% Toughness

+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
+2-5% Toughness
+2-5% Health
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+17-21% Max Health

+17-21% Max Health

+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
+2-5% Toughness
+2-5% Health
weapon container bottom





Key Points

  • Brain Burst has a lot of utility and want to make a build that showcases how it can work with empowered psionics and ult use to be a pretty strong killer. Assail is finicky and smite is irritating, which leaves BB.
  • Venting Shriek is helpful for people learning psyker as it gives them a “get out of peril” card, plus lets you play around with wildfire.
  • Voidstrike and crits is probably the most fun staff to start to out with (although personally I like Trauma a lot)
  • Various abilities to reduce cooldown is awesome.
  • The Illis Force sword has great horde clear and is the “safest” to use (don’t lock yourself into the special animation as easily). Build features Deflector because that’s a pretty quintessential/unique thing (even if it’s a bit of crutch later on). Can switch to Deimos easily enough. Shred on the sword to take advantage of Mettle when fighting in melee.


Melee Weapon Options

  • Illis Force Sword with Shred + Deflector/Slaughterer - best horde clear and charged attacks are decent versus armor
  • Deimos Force Sword with Shred + Uncanny Strike/Deflector/Slaughterer - special can be used to stun and kill isolated enemies, specialists, mutants running past you, dogs from midair, etc.  It's fun.  Uncanny strike procs multiple times during the special attack and landing one on a crushers head does tremendous damage to them.
  • Dueling Sword
  • Tactical Axe


Ranged Weapon Options

  • Trauma staff alternative (with Rending Shockwave + Warp Flurry Blessings).  Remove True Aim and speed boost talents (True Aim doesn't work with Trauma AoE attack), pick up extra toughness nodes or coherency aura boost (Puppet Master).
  • Purgatus Staff with Warp Nexus + Warp Flurry.  Remove true aim and speed boost talent, add Perfect Timing and Wildfire.  This basically puts you in maximum soulblaze territory.





Soulblaze Stacking Limits: Most things that apply stacks of soulblaze have an internal limit to how many stacks can be applied to the target.  If the current number of stacks on a target are above the specific sources stacking limit, then no additional stacks will be added. Stacking limits as follows:

  • Max total stacks on a target is 31, dealing 250 damage (flak has a 1.5 modifier, carapace 0.1 modifier)
  • Purgatus Staff - Stacks capped at 16.  Critical hits apply 2x stacks of soulblaze
  • Perilous Combustion Talent - no stacking cap.  3 stacks per trigger
  • Venting Shriek w/ Creeping Flames - 1-6 stacks (6 at 85%+ peril) - no stacking cap
  • Wildfire -  Transfers up to of 4 stacks from a dying target to a new target - capped at 4 stacks
  • Blazing Spirit on Force Swords - Adds 1-4 stacks capped at 3-12 stacks. 
  • Blazing Spirit on Force Staves - Adds 3 stacks of soulblaze per hit, capped at 6 (confirm?)


Ref: https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/build-mezs-auric-psyker-4-traum-o-matic-blazer/97480/9



3 months ago